Archivo Fotografico de Pais Vasco y Navarra - Fotos de Euskadi - Banco de Imagenes

agriculture and cattle raising

images of Basque cattle raising, the Basque landscape, Basque Country mountains, wineries and cider producers, sheep herding, the harvests and grape harvesting, trees and fields. In addition, shepherds and traditional Basque costume are beautifully captured in the photographs.

Fotos Agricultura Ganadería Vasca

You can also find images of the results of activity (whether agriculture or cattle raising) in the Basque Country. So, for example, there are photographs of farm animals: sheep, cows and horses. You can also find images of produce from the land: pumpkins, peppers, still life, sun flowers, corn, grapes and other products of the region.


See the photos in the photographic archive.

Imagenes Euskadi y Navarra