Archivo Fotografico de Pais Vasco y Navarra - Fotos de Euskadi - Banco de Imagenes

aitor ortiz

Aitor Ortiz is a highly prestigious professional photographer. He has mounted numerous individual and joint exhibitions in museums such as the Bilbao Guggenheim and the Vitoria Artium as well as in important art galleries in Europe, America and Asia.

Amongst the awards he has been given the most notable are: the ABC Photography Award, the Great Alexandria (Eygpt) Arts Biennial Award of Honour, the "Villa de Madrid" 1st Prize for photography, 1st Prize for photography in "Imagínate Euskadi" (Imagine the Basque Country), finalist in the European Architectural Photography Prize 2003, amongst others.

He has carried out a diverse range of work for large companies and institutions in the Basque Country.


See the photos in the archive.

Imagenes Euskadi y Navarra