Archivo Fotografico de Pais Vasco y Navarra - Fotos de Euskadi - Banco de Imagenes

The Izaki high quality and high resolution photographs were taken by two Basque artists. Highly prestigious photographers, Aitor Ortiz and Agustín Sagasti are the people responsible for the beauty and artistic quality of the Izaki photographic archive.

Agustín Sagasti and Aitor Ortiz, are the authors of the Izaki photographic archive, which contains more than 1,700 of their photographs Many of these have been exhibited in more than 50 local, national and international exhibitions, which they have held both separately and together.

It is important to note that the photographers Agustín Sagasti and Aitor Ortiz have won numerous awards in photographic competitions at a national and international level.

Furthermore, the two photographers each produce work for prestigious companies and organisations, as well as for a diverse range of publications.

Aitor Ortiz

Agustín Sagasti


Imagenes Euskadi y Navarra